An accredited 'residential' ELICOS course for boys and girls
The Hutchins School English Language Intensive Course
for Overseas Students (ELICOS) program for boys and girls.
Type of Course: ELICOS - Intensive High School Preparation English Course
Duration of Course: 10, 20 or up to 40 weeks
Gender: BOYS and GIRLS
Ages: 12 to 16 years
Boarding Provided: Yes
Boys provided boarding at The Hutchins School.
Girls provided boarding at St Michael's Collegiate School
Pathway into Secondary School: While placement preference in this course, when places are limited, will be given to boys and girls intending to enter into either The Hutchins School (boys) or St Michael's Collegiate School (girls) following the English program, students intending to enrol into a different school in Tasmania, into a school interstate and also those students who have not yet decided on a school, are also encouraged to apply as they will be accepted into this excellent residential English program.
In 2019 The Hutchins School commenced offering an accredited English Language Intensive Course for Overseas Students (ELICOS) program as a registered ELICOS provider.
The program is open to international students (both boys and girls) aged 12–16 years as of 1 July in that Australian school calendar year. The program is for students who require a 10, 20 or up to 40 week English language preparation course prior to integration into the Australian Curriculum.
Boarding Residential Accommodation
ELICOS students are accommodated in The Hutchins School boarding house (for boys) or the St Michael’s Collegiate boarding house (for girls).
Upon successful completion of the ELICOS program students may be offered a place within the regular school curriculum.
Inclusive Program
As part of the ELICOS program, students are carefully integrated into the School community. Students are part of a regular mentor class and are pastorally cared for by their mentor teacher, Head of House and the Head of Boarding. Students also participate in the co-curricular program which includes sports, music, debating, Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award and performing arts. ELICOS students have access to extensive resources including counselling, sporting facilities, libraries and ICT support.
On completion of the ELICOS program, students are supported through their schooling with ongoing English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D) provisions.

Tasmania | Boarding for Boys AND Girls

Aerial view of Sandy Bay, Tasmania (5 minutes to Hobart City), the location of The Hutchins School and ELICOS Program.

Mrs Mika Browning, Director of Boarding (Girls)