The King's School
Sydney, NSW, AUSTRALIA | Boarding School for Boys
Type of School: Boys Religion: Anglican
Year Levels: Prep to Year 12 Boarding (Capacity): 7-12 (450)
Number of Students: 1780 Teacher to Student Ratio: 1:12
The King's School is Australia's oldest independent school and perhaps best known school in Australia. Founded in 1831 by command of King William IV of England, King's was established as a boys' school that would provide Australia with its next generation of leaders. The King's School also operates Tudor House Preparatory School in the Southern Highlands of New South Wales. Tudor House accommodates overseas boys or girls in fully supervised and a family-like boarding house environment for students needing to board in Years 5 or 6 prior to applying for entry into The King's School Year 7 boarding option.
Situated on 300 acres of beautiful park-land in the demographic centre of Sydney, King's has also endeavoured to give educational leadership by contributing richly to educational and social debate. Its teaching resources, particularly in the area of boys' education, boarding and the developing of leadership skills, are used around the world.
An academically strong school, King's has a reputation for adding value, with most students characteristically going on to university or college. The School has an outstanding gifted and talented program affording the best features of an academically selective school (enriched teaching and sound scholarship designed to realise academic potential), with the best features of a non-selective school (a balanced education and the capacity to improve a boy's academic standards).
King's is in high demand because it offers academic excellence with character development. For example, a unique four year training course in leadership is undertaken by Kingsmen in the Senior School. Crown Princes, leaders of political parties, authors, actors, leaders in law, medicine and in a wide range of other professions, have all been educated at King's. It is a school committed to the development of good character and those values that are consistent with a caring, Christian community.
King's is a member of the 'Great Public Schools' (GPS) and is one of the leading sports and performing arts schools in the land with many of its students going on to international prominence. A P-12 day and boarding school, King's combines the fine traditions of the past with a modern and contemporary curriculum.